Saturday, April 16, 2011

Such Great Heights

Last year, I gave Dinosaur a gift certificate for a hot air balloon ride.  That was in June.  Here in April, we finally got around to using it.  Thanks, Balloons Over Virginia!  
Check out some pics:

Also for your viewing pleasure, pics of what I hope is a fresh, trendy, "European" haircut:

And the curly version:

In other news:
I got my visa! 
Dinosaur is in high demand, so our flights got bumped up 5 days to April 21.
Fat cat is ok'd to fly, but unfortunately is too big to fit in an under-the-seat carrier, so he must go down in cargo.  :(
We're waiting on permission from the bank to ship my car.
Still need to sell Dinosaur's car - anyone want a mint-condition stick shift 2009 Mazda 6??
Started cleaning out the pantry and giving away food.  The bare kitchen is making the move begin to feel real.  And is making me hungry...
Today is the big going-away party!  Brother is in town!  Sister-in-law & brother-in-law are coming into town!  Everyone come on over!  We can't bring liquid overseas, so we must drink all our booze!
